What is Comprar Directo en USA?

Comprar Directo en USA is an organization which offers international P.O. Box services that you can use to buy at websites like Amazon.com and receive your order in your country easily.

How does it Work?

In order to make a purchase you have to take the following steps :

1. Select your product from any store in the United States and send us the link of the website via Whatsapp: 0983331573, 0019177448651 or via email at: [email protected] or by Facebook messenger.
2. ComprarDirectoEnUSA received the merchandise and ships it to your country.
3. You receive your merchandise.

Making your Purchase

How do I know if you received my order?

When your order is received, ComprarDirectoEnUSA will generate an email informing you that we have already received it.

Where to Buy?

We have included some of the stores where you can buy at our Stores section.

Shipping Costs

How does ComprarDirectoEnUSA charge the freight and taxes?

ComprarDirectoEnUSA will charge you the amount based on the shipment weight.

1lb: US$25 / Each additional lb: US$ 10
10% surcharge for orders above $100



What is the delivery time?

The delivery time after we receive your order in Miami or New York is 10 to 12 days if no problems arise.

Where do I get my order?

We will deliver your order and documents at the place you choose at the moment of the registration via ServiEntrega.

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